Friday, April 08, 2005

My First Full Day

Quite a lot has happened since I last blogged (is that a bodily function?)

They've taken most of the tubes out of me and I'm exercising my lungs more and more (I bet they can hear me on the next floor!)

Dad stopped by this evening and held me for about an hour. He talked to me a lot and told me lots of neat stuff. What I want to know is: what's a Boston Red Sock?

Then, it was mom's turn and she fed me something out of a bottle. It was okay, but they tell me I'll be able to drink directly from the spigot pretty soon (whatever that means!)

What do you think of the pictures I posted below? The one of me is not too flattering. I look much better in person.

One of my great-grandmas came to see me and planted a kiss on my head with her finger. I can't wait to slobber on her shoulder!

Grandma took a shot of Grandpa catnapping while they waited for my arrival. She says he can sleep anywhere!

My great aunt and second cousin came to the hospital today, but they couldn't come back to see me. I'm only allowed four visitors a day for the time being.

Mom and dad say I'll be able to spend lots more time with them tomorrow. It'll be my first weekend "on the outside!" I'll get somebody to take some more pictures and post them for you to see.

Thanks for visiting my blog and don't forget to check back often!

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