Friday, December 29, 2006

What A Christmas!

Whew! Did we have a great Christmas or what?

I got lots of toys, including an easel with magnetic letters, a Dora Musical Step Mat, a Dora doll that's as big as I am, a set of twin dolls, lots and lots of clothes and a bunch more stuff I can't remember right now!

The best part about Christmas was getting to see all of my relatives from out of town! Cousin Abbey flew in from Texas with my Uncle Dan-Dan and Aunt Christy. We had a great time and it was fun to play with Abbey. She's like a real live doll baby! She doesn't do too much, though, except lie around and sleep a lot. Was I ever like that?

I also got to see McKinley, who just turned one year old! She lives in Memphis, but came all the way here to be with her grandparents and great-grandma for Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, we all went to Sears and had a family picture taken. Grammy says the photographer is the same one who used to take pictures of Daddy when he was a baby! She was real good because she made all of us laugh!

I hope you had a good Christmas, too, and are looking forward to the New Year. Did you know I'll be TWO YEARS OLD in 2007? I can't wait!


Jayme Lynn

Can You Hear Me Now?

I Like Cousin Abbey's Christmas Bib!

Me & Cousins Abbey and McKinley with Ma

Let's Go Shopping!

Check Out My "Pizza Beard!"

Like My New Easel, Grandiddy?

The Whole Gang!

Time To Eat, Yet?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Is it December Already?

My, how time flies!

We had a great Thanksgiving dinner at our house with lots of relatives and THIS YEAR, I got to sit in a booster seat with the big folks! No high chair or kiddie table for me!

We went to another mall to see another big Christmas tree and ran into Raggedy Ann and Andy. They sure are a lot bigger in person! (see photo below)

I've been able to sleep over at Granddaddy and Grammy's house a couple of times recently while Daddy and Mommy keep up their busy work schedules. As you can see by the photo, my hairdo leaves something to be desired first thing in the morning! But just give me my bowl of Cheerios and my cup of milk and let me sit in Granddaddy's lap to watch Sesame Street and I'm a Happy Camper!

Grammy and I work hard keeping the house clean when I'm over there. I just can't imagine WHO keeps making all the mess!

I hope you enjoy the pictures. Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you over the Christmas holidays!


Jayme Lynn

Housework Is A BIG JOB!

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I Had A Rough Night!

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Mommy, That's A BIG DOLLY!

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