Friday, May 27, 2005

To the Shore!

Now that my digestive system is back on track (don't go there, it's not ladylike), I'm packing for my first trip to the beach!

Mom, Dad, Granddaddy, Grandmother, Uncle Dan, Aunt Christy and I will be sharing a beach house at Nags Head next week!

I don't really know what a "beach" is, but I've noticed Mom packing a lot of lotions, hats, umbrellas and other stuff. Beach must be like court because I've seen Michael Jackson going to a courthouse with the same stuff on TV!

The house we're staying in has everything EXCEPT the Internet, so I'll be out of touch for a while.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend and take time to remember the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform so we can enjoy the freedoms we take for granted today!

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