Sunday, March 11, 2007

Speaking in Sentences!


Just thought I'd update you on my latest trick...talking in sentences! Here are a few of my favorites:

I hungry!
I hot!
I want pizza!
I wanna go nite-nite!
Where Daddy? (Mommy, Granddaddy, Ma, etc.)
I wanna read!

The grownups get quite a laugh out of hearing me talk, so I try to do it as often as possible!

Yesterday, Grammy and Granddaddy came over to fix some shingles that had blown off of our roof. Grammy was praying while Granddaddy was up on the ladder, but he got down okay. He even kissed the ground when he was through!

We went out to eat last night and I got a little pizza and some applesauce (that's my favorite!)

Then, we went to Babies R Us and Mommy and Grammy took me in the bathroom to change my diaper. We had lots of fun! Let's just say I did an imitation of the fountain of youth between diapers! The funniest part was when Grammy put my coat down on the sink and it had one of those automatic faucets and the water turned on and soaked my coat! Daddy and Granddaddy were waiting outside, but they couldn't figure out what all the laughing was about in the bathroom!

I can't WAIT until Wednesday, when cousin Abbey comes in from Texas! I'm going to try to teach her to talk like do! We'll take some pictures and put them on the site next time.

Thanks for visiting my site!


Jayme Lynn

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