Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Memorial Day!

Today was my first time at the swimming pool! We went with Granddaddy and Grammy and had a GREAT time! I got to wear my new hat, my new sunglasses and spend time in my new whale float! The water was cold at first, but I got used to it! I got tubes in my ears now, so I have to wear some earplugs when I go in the water, but I don't mind. Mommy says she and I are going to spend lots and lots of time at the pool this summer! I'll be "brown as a berry," just like my Aunt Christy used to get when she was my age! I've got lots of teeth now, so I've started eating peanut butter 'n jelly samwiches, just like my Daddy does. No more of that baby food for me!

After we came home from the pool, Great Aunt Gail and my Great Grandma ("Ma") came over and we had a cookout, with hot dogs, and chicken, and beans, and macaroni, and corn, and lots of other good stuff. Everybody was wearing red, white and blue to help remember the soldiers who gave their lives so we could be free!

Grammy made me a cushion for our fireplace hearth and that's become my favorite place to play! I bring my toys up there and sit like the queen of the castle! You can see me playing hide and seek up there with Mommy in one of the pictures below.

I also like to stand at the back door and bang on the glass, so Daddy and Granddaddy put in a new storm door for me. I helped with the instructions (see photo below).

I'm learning how to walk by pushing my car around the den. It won't be long before I won't need anything to hold on to!

I hope you had a good holiday weekend and will come see me real soon!

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