Friday, October 21, 2005

New Digs!

Well, we're finally moved into our NEW HOUSE! It's AWESOME!

Mommy and Granddaddy picked it out while Daddy was in the hospital. They must have done a good job because Daddy BOUGHT IT! (He says somebody named More-Gij really owns it, but they're going to let us live there!)

It's HUGE! It has four stories and five bedrooms and two bathrooms and a den and a living room and a kitchen and a dining room and a utility room and closets and I already have my stuff spread out in every room!

Guess what? The nice lady next door just brought home a baby boy who was born the day before we moved in! We might get to be playmates!

And there are some more little kids who live across the street from us! We're going to have so much fun together!

Know what? Daddy taught me how to hold my own bottle yesterday! He says I'm a BIG GIRL, now!

Daddy had to work tonight and Mommy went to her Bible Study Group, so Granddaddy and Grandmommy came by to babysit me. We had lots of fun until I had to go to bed. (But I did get to stay up until 8:00 so I could play with them.)

What do you think of my new pictures below? Ain't I a cutie?


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