Sunday, October 30, 2005

Fall Festival

Tonight, we went to Fall Festival at my grandparents' church and had a blast! I wore my Piglet costume and got to eat my first snow-cone! (Mommy ate most of it). There were hundreds of other kids there, all dressed up and playing games and stuff.

Daddy taught me to do "razzberries!" Some people call it the "Bronx Cheer." So now, I can stick out my tongue and make a noise with my mouth at the same time! Mommy isn't very happy with Daddy. She wants him to teach me stuff like how to "wave bye-bye."

We got my Christmas pictures back already and everybody thinks they're absolutely adorable! I'll send you a Christmas card with my picture on it so you can see for yourself! For now, you'll have to settle for the new photos below.

Bye-bye for now!

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