Saturday, September 24, 2005

My First State Fair!

Wow, what a day! We went to the State Fair of Virginia and had a GREAT TIME!

First, I got to sit on a real tractor (see new photos below). Then, they gave me a baby duck to pet, but I grabbed it instead. I'm still learning how to be gentle!

Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Granddaddy took me. (Grandmommy stayed home because her back still hurts.)

Everybody else got to eat Fair Food, but I had to eat my strained peas and bananas. I can't wait until I'm old enough for an Italian Sausage Sandwich with green peppers and onions! (Daddy said he doesn't look forward to changing my diaper after that one!)

I spent a lot of time in my stroller just looking up at stuff. There was so much to see, I didn't know where to look first! Daddy carried me a lot, and showed me lots of animals, like goats and cows. One of the cows just had a 90 pound baby! That's more than I weighed!

In one of the buildings, I got a Veggie Tales CD with my own name on it! Grandma bought me a Winnie the Pooh in a Tigger costume! Granddaddy let me pick up a duck (a plastic one in a swimming pool) and I won a prize!

We saw some other kids with their grandparents. Grandaddy said he could tell they were grandparents because they bought the children plastic trumpets that made a lot of noise. He said a parent probably wouldn't do that, but I don't know why not!

We all had fun, but after four hours, it was time to call it a day. I'm already looking forward to next year!

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