Friday, April 06, 2007

Tomorrow's The Big Day!

Know what? Tomorrow I'm going to be two whole years old! Can you believe it? We're going to have another party at Chuck E. Cheese and then a party at Diddy (that's what I call Granddaddy now) and Grammy's house! I think I like birthday parties!

Guess what I can do? I can put on my socks all by myself! And it's a good thing because I like to take them off so much! Everybody claps when I get them on right, which is most of the time!

Did you know the Easter Bunny comes on Sunday? He's going to bring lots of eggs and candy! I've been practicing hunting for Easter eggs because we've been invited to an Easter Egg hunt Sunday afternoon at my cousin Caroline Grace's house. First, we're going to go to church. Then, we're going to Ma's house for lunch. Then, we're going to take pictures. Then, we're going to cousin's house. Won't it be fun?

Since we've had some warm days lately, I've been able to spend more time outdoors. Diddy lets me climb up in his tree fort with him. He says he built it with Daddy and Aunt Christy when they were kids like me!

Diddy also showed me how to blow on a dandelion and make it fly away. I call it "bubbles" because that's what it looks like. He says it makes more weeds when we do that, but he says that's okay. We have lots of fun together!

Well, I have to get to bed because I think I hear Peter Cottontail hoppin' down the Bunny Trail!



Jayme Lynn

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