Monday, August 28, 2006

Goodbye, Summer!

Lots has happened since I last blogged! We've had two big birthday parties!

My Great-Grandma, (we call her "Ma") turned 88 this month and we took her out to eat at Ruby Tuesday's. She's still running circles around the rest of us, but she has decided to retire from her volunteer job at the hospital after 30 years! Don't worry...we'll keep her busy!

My Daddy turns 28 tomorrow, but we celebrated his birthday yesterday, because it was the weekend. We had a party at Granddaddy and Grammy's house, with cake and ice cream and presents! Cousin Caroline came over and I got to play with her, too! Today, Daddy and Granddaddy went to play golf and they had a great time, even though it was 95 degrees! I'm so proud of them because they said they got real high scores!

I've got a new babysitter, Miss Karen and she lives on the way to Mommy's new job, so she doesn't have to drive so far to get me. She's real nice and has some kids of her own and even two dogs! We go places, like to the pool and to the park, too!

Did I tell you that Grandma Sandy is going to move to the same county that we live in? I'm so excited because we'll get to see her much more often!

Well, it's nite-nite time for me. I've had a long day. Thanks for stopping by!

Love, Jayme

P.S. Don't forget to look at my new pictures below!

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