Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Monday was Mommy's birthday! She's 29 years old! That's ANCIENT!

Next week it's my Great Uncle Greg's birthday. He'll be 10 1/2 and boy, is he big for his age! Daddy says Greg is a Leap Year baby, whatever that means.

Anyway, since they're so close together, we had a combined birthday party for Mommy and Greg at Greg's house last Saturday. We had lots of cake and ice cream and I got to see my second cousins Camryn, Jenny and Caroline. Granddaddy read a book to me and Caroline at the same time (he has two knees, you know!) There's a picture of all of us below.

On Monday, Mommy's REAL birthday, it was a holiday, so Granddaddy babysat for me while Daddy went shopping and bought Mommy bunches of balloons, flowers and other stuff. They went out to eat Monday night and Mommy got a big pork chop and Daddy got a steak. I only have one tooth, so they won't let me have any leftovers! But, they are feeding me more stuff from the table and I feel like a big girl when I get to eat what the big people are eating! Grammy says she doesn't know where I put it all!

My latest trick is climbing up stairs, so Daddy and Granddaddy put up a gate to keep me from leaving the den. I don't understand why they were so happy to see me climb stairs and now they won't let me do it! Grownups are strange!

See you later!

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