Monday, April 10, 2006

First Birthday Weekend

Whew! What a weekend!

I'm still recovering from the Best Birthday Ever! Thanks, Mom and Dad and everybody else who worked to make my first birthday the greatest!

On Friday, my real birthday, we all went to Chuck E. Cheese and I got to ride on all of their rides (see pictures below). There were lots and lots of other kids, even some with the same birthday as me! I even got to kiss Chuck on the nose!

But Saturday was the Big Day. I invited 45 people to my birthday party and they came from all over. Daddy cooked chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs for everybody. They even rented a Moon Walk blow-up thing that the older kids bounced around in! I got to see lots of my aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. They gave me lots and lots of presents and I have enough new clothes to fill out my spring ensemble! I think the best part, though, was when Mommy let me dig into the Elmo cake she made me. That was FUN! We all laughed when she took me upstairs for a bath afterwards!

It's been quite a year and I can't believe I'm One already! I'm sorry I haven't updated my blog enough for some of you. But, Granddaddy says, this year, he'll send you an e-mail when I update it, if you want him to. Just send your address to: and he'll put you on the list. That way, you won't have to check my site every day.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a Blessed Easter!

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