Friday, January 13, 2006

Happy New Year!

Granddaddy had the day off from work today so he babysat for me! He taught me how to play the Pots and Pans! (see picture below) It was fun making lots of noise! It's been really warm here. Today, Granddaddy and I swung on the front porch swing. He even let me hang from a branch on a tree (just for a few seconds, though). He says I'll be trying to climb that tree before I know it!

Grammy's best friend in Birmingham drew a picture of me and it's hanging in her dining room. Everytime I see it, I point and say, "Bay-bee!" She's really a good artist!

I've learned how to do the "commando crawl" now, so I can go just about anywhere I want on my tummy. Sometimes I work myself into a corner and can't get out! My favorite thing to do is to find little strings or tags on things and try to pull them off!

Mommy likes to play "peek-a-boo" with me and Daddy likes to feed me things from the table when Mommy's not looking! (don't tell her, but last week I had some chicken noodle soup!)

My hair's getting real long and they may have to cut it soon. I hope that doesn't hurt!


My First Concert!

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Say Cheeze!

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Look What Was In My Stocking!

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Miz Robin & Me!

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Hey, That's Me!

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